{ "type":"link", "version":"1.0", "provider_name":"Djem Guerreru Inc.", "provider_url":"https://www.djemguerreru.com", "cache_age":21600, "title":"Primos Turbo Dogg Electronic Predator", "author_name":"WeaponUpgrade.com", "author_url":"https://www.weaponupgrade.com", "thumbnail_url":"https://cdn.weaponupgrade.com/GENERAL/10/100/1000/10000319.V0.jpg", "thumbnail_width":400, "thumbnail_height":250, "url":"https://www.weaponupgrade.com/item/25535345/Primos%2DTurbo%2DDogg%2DElectronic%2DPredator", "description":"- Preprogrammed with 36 sounds and 4 full sets of Expert Hunts (10 to 20 min. calling sequence by Randy Anderson that are proven to bring coyotes in!)- Holds up to 500 sounds- Turbo charged 25 watt amplifier- Rotating No Distortion speaker- Audio Out Port (add another speaker)- DecoyPort- Realtree MAX-1- Simple to use 150 yard remote- Sound playlist menu is organized by species such as coyote, fox, bobcat, deer, elk, etc.- 1.75 full color LCD- User programmable Hot Button (first time ever offered) that changes the activity of your calling system in an instant, allowing you to react to your hunting senario.- Programmable instant Decoy/Hot Button options include:- Operates decoys with motion jack- Changing to predefined sound- Changing to predefined volume level- Recalling previously played sound- Pulling up favorite playlist and many other options", "price":172.65, "currency_code":"USD", "quantity":0, "category":"Outdoor & sports--Archery--Other archery equipment" }